About Miss Science

I am a Science educator and consultant that likes to think of myself as a speaker of all things Science. I present to educators around the country on how to fuse STEM with Innovation and Entrepreneurship to make Smart Cool! I also work with companies to help their partnerships in supporting schools and STEM.

I have worked with the following organizations and businesses:

  • Spring Training organizations to promote the Science of Baseball
  • Henkel (formally the Dial Corporation) to create a curriculum around household and consumer products
  • The Microsoft Store to create in-store workshops to support Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Follett School Solutions (the largest distributor of education materials in the U.S.) to share with their customers (educators) how to use STEM and Makerspace products.
  • The Junior League ROCKETS program to train teachers as part of their mission to support early childhood and elementary education.

And, I just finished contributing on a book that will be published in the next few months for teachers and I'm currently working on a book about me and my path in being a Science and STEM educator.